MegaMan 2 Password Crack By: jayz299 A useful little document that will explain you to create MegaMan 2 Passwords on your own. It's fun and easy! It works like this. Each Robot Master has ten possible dots in the password grid: five for if you have defeated him (and therefore have his weapon) and five for if you haven’t. The reason there are five is because the numbers change depending on how many Energy Tanks you have. To create a password, all you need to do is pick a column for how many E-Tanks you want, then fill in the appropriate dots. For Robot Masters, the first digit defeats him and gives you his weapon, the second leaves his stage available. Obviously, you only want to use one of the two numbers separated by slashes. E-Tanks: None One Two Three Four E-Tanks A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Air Man E3/D2 E4/D3 E5/D4 B1/D5 B2/E1 Bubble Man D1/C3 D2/C4 D3/C5 D4/D1 D5/D2 Crash Man C5/E2 D1/E3 D2/E4 D3/E5 D4/B1 Flash Man C1/E4 C2/E5 C3/B1 C4/B2 C5/B3 Heat Man B2/D5 B3/E1 B4/E2 B5/E3 C1/E4 Metal Man E5/E1 B1/E2 B2/E3 B3/E4 B4/E5 Quick Man B4/C4 B5/C5 C1/D1 C2/D2 C3/D3 Wood Man D3/B5 D4/C1 D5/C2 E1/C3 E2/C4 Credit goes to John Snow a whiz password cracker!